3M™ FASARA™ Glass Finishes SH2CHMA, Cross Hairline Matte

規格:1270mm x 30m, 1卷/盒


3M™ FASARA™ are decorative films for glass made of high-quality polyester, available in over 120 exclusive and refined finishes that guarantee new and attractive transparencies of glass walls. With an unparalleled tactile finish, FASARA™ Glass Finishes add light and transparency while delivering a true depth of color, including a rich deep black.


  • Aesthetics: Our decorative glass and window films transform plain glass, capturing the look of cut or texturized glass to an astonishing degree at a fraction of the price
  • Flexible: FASARA™ Glass Finishes allow you to tailor the amount of privacy a space possesses
  • Easy application: 3M expertise in adhesives ensures you of fast, accurate, beautiful and durable application to a variety of glass substrates
  • Materials: Constructed from durable and flexible polyester materials



3M™ Fasara™ 玻璃裝飾貼膜是一種應用於玻璃上的裝飾貼膜。 常用於室內設計裝修時改變玻璃(例如:窗戶和玻璃幕牆)的外觀,以營造出不同的環境氛圍,亦可作分隔空間的用途(例如:辦公室、居家、浴廁隔間),兼具防止玻璃飛濺和防紫外線的功能。


  • 美觀 – 提供圓點、漸層、正反條碼、光線調整與其他視覺效果的選擇,以美化環境
  • 透光 – 提高私隱度同時兼顧採光,打造個人或辦公私人空間時,維持一定程度的採光與空間感
  • 耐用易施工 – PET材質,不易收縮變形 可快速施工及拆除,容易轉換
  • 玻璃安全 – 防止玻璃飛散,安全有保障,通過JIS A5759
  • 防曬 – 有效阻隔99%紫外線,減緩家具老化及展示品褪色的速度,降低皮膚癌的風險